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haearn             W, masc. sing. n. ‘iron'. ?Pentre harn,  field no. 623 TS, Castell du. C.f. ?Llwyntieucharn  field no. 646 TS, Castell du. Field 623 adjoins field no 646. Lltbnt. Ffynnon Haiarn, Pembs.

hafod               W, fem. sing. n., pl. hafodydd, ‘summer dwelling; upland farmstead (formerly occupied in the summer months only) used for grazing more than cultivation; dairy-house'.  Hafodwen, Llanedi & Aberdare; Trehafod, Rhondda;  Hafod, Swansea.

hafod and hafoty in Welsh place-names:


hafog               W, masc. sing, n., and adj. ‘plenty, abundance, great store; generous, bountiful, abundant; luxuriant, fine pleasant'. Its etymological development can be linked with the abundance and plenty that is associated with summer and perhaps with an inference to the spoil or booty of Eng. havoc. ‘Mae hafog o fwyar ar gâl leni', Demetian dial. for ‘there's an abundance of blackberries this year' GPC. Tir hafog is also referred to as ‘common land'  op. cit. Waun hafog, Wain havock ychaf'issaf, Graig Havock, Tyr Havock*, Groft yr havock. Lltbnt.

haidd               W, masc. sing. n., pl. and coll. n., (masc. sing. heiddyn fem. heidden for single grain), double pl. heiddiau, ‘barley, crop of barley; grain of this cereal, used largely in making malt liquors and spirits, also formerly used in bread-making'.  Cae Bryn Haidd. Lltbnt. Cae Haidd, Dyffryn Dare & others in the  Cynon Valley.

hall                  Eng. ‘mansion, large dwelling, residence, esp. of landed proprietor'. Middleton Hall. Lltbnt. Coppett Hall, Pembs. Whitehall, Pontypridd.

halog               W, adj. ‘dirty, foul.'  e.g. Y Fanhalog, Llanwynno; Login (halog, -yn), Carms. and elsewhere.

handir              v. rhandir

hang                W,  masc. sing. n. ‘narrow, slender, thin strip of land'.Hang wain pwll [TS. 459], Hang in Morfa Coch [TS. 987], Hang [TS. 732]. Lltbnt.

hanereg           W, fem. sing. n., pl. haneregau, ‘moiety, half-measure; half acre; flitch of bacon'. GPC. Many of the field-names listed below are crudely in the shape of a flitch of bacon, [a common sight hanging from the ceiling of farmhouses of yesteryear] others are half a field or half an acre.  Hanereg (3) [TSs. 505, 507, 2127], Hanereg nest [TS. 2078 flitch of bacon?], Hanereg Pant y fallen [TS. 2028 flitch of bacon?], Hanereg issaf [TS.1107], uchaf [TS.1219], Hanereg y bwlch [TS 913, 914 flitch of bacon?], Hanereg las [TS. 915, flitch of bacon?], Hanereg goch [TS. 919, half a field/acre, TS. 733], Hanereg Twm pathog  [TS. 731], Hanereg ddu [TS. 520], Lltbnt.  Nerag Glyn coch, [Gwenlais fach in the parish of Llangyfelach, 1818].

hanner             W, masc. sing. n., (dim. haneryn) pl. haneri, hanerau, ‘half, moiety' also ‘side, part'.Yr hanner [TS. 925]. Lltbnt.

hanererw         W, hanner & erw, ‘half acre'. Also as hanerar; enherar; nherar; nerar etc. mostly in the Tithe Schedules.  

haul                 W, masc. sing. ‘sun'. Bron haul, several.

helyg               W, pl. n., (sing. dim. helygen, pl. dim. helygach) ‘willow, sallow tree, osier;  (of) willow'. Wain helig y coed, Wain helig, helygen. Lltbnt. Rhydhelyg near Nantgarw.

helygos           W,  helyg +  collective suff. -os, ‘a place where willows grow'. e.g. Lygos, Clydach, Cwm Tawe. Berth Lygos, Merthyr Tydfil. (Griffiths)

hen                  W, adj. pl. henion ‘old, aged; ancient, antique, pristine, former; inveterate, chronic; original; senior, elder'. GPC. Yr Hen Eglwys/ Eglws, Wain hen, Hengae (2), Gardd Hen castell, Hen grofft, Cae gwraig hen, Hen ardd, Cae hen glawdd, Cae hen heol. Lltbnt. Goytrahen, Llynfi Valley.

hendre(f)         W, fem. sing. n., pl. hendrefydd, hendrefi ‘winter dwelling located in the valley to which the family and its stock returned after transhumance during the summer months  in the ‘hafod' on the mountain, permanent residence, old or ancestral home; old town'. Hendre wen, Hendrewen issaf, Hendre Fedlan. Lltbnt. Hendra Forgan, Llantrisant. Hendredenny, Eglwysilan. Hendrs Ris (Rhys), Llanwynno.

hendy              W, masc. sing. n., pl. hendai ‘old house, mansion', also ‘former house, dwelling'. e.g. Hendy, Cae hendy, Wain yr hendy, Gardd yr hendy, Lltbnt. See Hendy/Yr Hendy Carms.

heol, hewl        W, fem. sing. n., pl. heolydd, heolau, ‘street, road, way, path, passage;, also fig.; fold, yard, enclosure, close, court'. GPC. Hewl  is the loc. dial. form although RJT  states that hewl was, at one time, used in the north of Wales as place-name evidence Rhewl, near Rhuthin and Penrhewl, near Llanelwy, suggests. He also mentions in Meisg. 35, that in the Penmachno region of Caerns, rhewl or hewl  was used for a farmyard. GPC quotes that heol, hiol also means a farmyard or close in north Pembs.

In the south Wales coalfield hewl was used for the main route that coal was fetched from pit bottom while hewl y dwr was a watercourse. Hewl y dwr is also commonly found in towns and villages of the south

Yr heol fawr, loc. dial rewl fowr, is the main road, heol fach, a lane, heol yr efail the enclosed space near smithy where horses were kept before being shod,  and heol dyrpeg, drampeg, drympeg, was the turnpike road. Heol galchi was a bridle path (lit. lime road), heol gart a cart track and heol gefn loc. dial. hewl gefen a back lane. Hewl angladd (funeral road) was a public thoroughfare, so called because of the belief that a road or thoroughfare became public if a funeral had travelled that way. GPC.

Penyrheol, Pen'rewl, Heol y waun, Heol y cae, Heol Wyllt, Heol y piod, Heol y Barna, Heol y maes, Tyn yr heol, Heol y picca, Heol, Cae yr heol, Heol y mynydd, Heol fach, Twyn yr heol, Cae dan yr heol, Cae bach dan yr heol, Wain nesaf yr heol, Wain dan yr heol, Ardd heol las. Lltbnt. Heol-y-cyw, Glam. Heolgerrig, Merthyr Tydfil. Heol Senni, Brecs. Penyrheol, Glam.

hir         W, adj. pl. hirion, ‘long, tall, lengthy, extensive, far reaching'. Glynhir, clynhir, clun hire, Wain hir (2), Tyrhir, Erwhir, Dwy erw hirion, Car gwair hir, Handir hir. Lltbnt. Hirwaun, Glam. Glynhir, Lltbnt. & Llandybie.

hwnt      W,  adv. and adj. ‘yonder, over there, beyond, furthest, the other side'. Graig hwnt, Cae hwynt (sic). Lltbnt. Mynydd hwnt, Pembs.

hwsh      W, form Eng. hush, ‘quiet, silence'. Ty Rwsh (ty'r hwsh) Lltbnt.

hwyad, hwyaden         W, fem. sing. n. ‘duck', pl. hwyaid. Pwll yr hwyaid, Merthyr Tydfil; Llwyn-hwyaid, Pembs.

hyfryd    W, adj.  ‘pleasant, delightful, agreeable'. Bryn Hyfryd; Hyfrydfa. Lltbnt.

inen    v. onnen

inn      Eng. ‘house providing lodgings etc for payment, esp. for travellers; house providing alcoholic liquor'. Fountain Inn, Wheat Sheaf Inn, Buck Inn, Castle Inn, Prince of Wales Inn, New Inn, Whistle Inn. Lltbnt. Cross Inn, (Ammanford) Carms.

isaf    W, adj. (the superlative degree of the adj. isel ‘low') ‘lowest, lower (of two) lowermost'.  Often used in place-names, farm-names, names of villages, parishes etc as a counter to, and in harness with  uchaf.  Gwenlais Isaf, Tyrisha, Hanereg issaf, Handir issaf, Cae dan ffrwd issaf, Coedcae issaf, Cae ffynnon issaf, Wain havock issaf, Caedraw issaf, Gwainydd Meinon issaf, Bigwin issaf, Cae berthfawr issaf, Quarter issaf, Trefegos issaf, Wain dan y pwll issaf, Felin  issaf, Bolgoed issaf, Hendrewen issaf, Glynllwchwr issaf, Graig ardd twyn issaf, Pengelliddrain issaf, Cae afon issaf, Wain fain issaf, Cae skillo issaf, Cae bariwns issaf, Cae mawr issaf, Rhyddid issaf, Cae Gwenllian issaf, Ynis issaf, Tyr brown isaf, Erw fawr ysaf, Graig ysaf, Ardd issa y cwm, Cae yr gof issaf, Cae issaf issaf, Cae issaf uchaf, Cae pandy ysaf, Morfa ysaf, Cae canol ysaf, Cae ychen ysaf, Cae llwyd isaf, Cae glas ysaf, Cae lan issaf, Cae ysaf uchaf, Cae ysaf ysaf, Cefen uchaf ysaf, Cae pant ysaf, Wern ysaf, Cae eithin ysaf, Sychfoes ysaf, Lether issaf, Ardd  issaf, Cae graig issaf, Cae ddintir issaf. Lltbnt.

iscoed    W,  ‘the lower part of the wood'. In Welsh territorial divisions is as in is coed, is Dulas, is Gwyrfai etc. is the lower part, and according to Melville Richards, the location of the administrative centre, while uwch as in uwch coed, uwch Dulas, uwch Gwyrfai etc. is the prefix of the upper territorial unit. The commote of Gower was divided into two such units Gwyr Is coed and Gwyr Uwch coed, in Latin, Sub Boscus and Super Boscus. Richards maintains that the administrative centre in the iscoed was at Trewyddfa, near present-day Morriston. Also cf. Iscoed Road, Hendy.

isel     W, adj. ‘low', Dem.dial. ishel. e.g. Tyr ishul. Lltbnt.

junction     Eng. ‘the place or station on a railway where lines meet and unite'. SOED. e.g.  Pontardulais Junction. Aberdare Junction (Abercynon).

kaldr     Old Norse, 'cold'. see Caldey.

kendon  v. cefn & ton.

kiln         Eng. ‘furnace or oven for burning, baking or drying, esp. for calcining lime or baking bricks'.  kiln; Waste by the lime kiln. Lltbnt. Kiln Park, Tenby.

kin, king    v.   cefn

kite       Eng. n. 'a rapacious bird of the hawk kind (fam. Accipitridae).' e.g. Kittle, see Gower.